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Developer Technical Terms

In this section, we will provide the definition of technical terms in Developers world.


A repository is a type of centrally located storage where you can keep all your project’s files and resources. Any of the project’s stakeholders or developers can pull your repository’s code (or resource) for new feature delivery or bug fixes in the product or software application.


Engagement, in developer technical terms, is an act that the developer had made to any source code or repository. There are many ways to interact with source code, but in this project, we focused on four ways as follows.


A commit is a snapshot of changes made to files in a Git repository. It represents a specific version and includes a description of the changes. Commits help track the history of a project, collaborate with others, and revert to previous versions if needed.


Fork means creating your own copy of someone else's repository. It allows you to freely modify and experiment with the project without affecting the original. Forking promotes collaboration and enables you to propose changes to the original repository through pull requests.


Contributors are people who have made meaningful contributions to a repository. They can be recognized by their username or profile for the changes they made.


Starring a repository is a way for users to bookmark or show their interest in a particular repository. It's similar to favoriting or liking a repository. When you star a repository, it appears in your list of starred repositories, making it easily accessible for future reference. Starring a repository also provides a way for others to see popular or interesting repositories, as repositories with more stars often gain visibility in the GitHub community.

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